The safety of our participants and volunteers for the Zions Bank Boulder Mountain Tour is paramount when planning the event, and even more so in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

To this end, the Boulder’s Board of Directors has begun regular meetings to discuss each aspect of the event and target ways to provide greater social distancing and limit the potential for transmission of COVID-19. 

Adjustments in place:   

General Precautions 
  • Masks will be provided in every race bag 
  • Volunteers and staff will wear masks at all times. 
  • Ongoing monitoring to ensure the hospital has capacity to treat general public and racers during the event. 
Race Bag Pickup and BMT Expo* 
  • Will be modified to limit exposure 
  • Mandatory mask-wearing. 
  • Riders can opt not to share seats 
  • Windows in buses will be ajar throughout the day. 
  • Masks required for entry into Galena Lodge. 
  • Extra masks available at shuttles. 
  • “Covid Coordinator” from the local medical community will be onsite at race and available to answer any questions regarding COVID protocols and precautions as things may develop.
  • Awards ceremony outside 

Also being discussed for safety purposes are switching the awards ceremony to a virtual event and spreading out the start times for waves to allow for greater social distancing, pre-and-during the race. 

 The BMT Board will continue to meet throughout the month and monitor developments in our valley. Helping steer this course of action are board members Jamie Lieberman, M.D., and Don Nurge, an emergency medical technician and squad leader for the Sun Valley Fire Department. The pair is in regular contact with local and regional hospital personnel to ensure we are consistent with local regulations. 

While we plan to hold an in-person race, our risk-management discussions will take into account the safety of our racers and volunteers, as well as the safety of the local community.

If COVID conditions deteriorate to a point where St Luke’s Wood River Medical Center or local EMS officials institute “Crisis Standards of Care,” or a drastic increase in the COVID caseload creates an unmanageable risk to the local community, the BOD may switch the in-person race  to a virtual event held between February 1-6. The BOD will announce any changes to the race format no later than Monday, January 24. 

Preventative Strategies from the CDC
 Local Medical Resources 

St. Luke’s Wood River – 208.727.8800

Testing: https://www.stlukesonline.org/health-services/service-groups/covid-resources/covid-testing

Vaccinations/Boosters: https://www.stlukesonline.org/health-services/service-groups/covid-resources/covid-vaccine-information

Ketchum Family Medicine – 208.622.3180 

Testing: https://www.ketchumfamilymedicine.com/covid19-testing

Sterling Urgent Care – 208.788.4122

Testing: https://www.sterlingurgentcare.com/hailey-id-urgent-care/

In addition, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare is offering free, at-home COVID-19 test kits. Tests can be requested by calling 2-1-1. No personal information is required other than a name and mailing address.

*Limelight Hotel requires all persons on-premises to be vaccinated